How Can a Podcast Boost Your SEO

How Can a Podcast Boost Your SEO

The very core concept of search engine optimization is based on improving the discoverability of information. You want customers to be able to find your business services and products so you built a website, created social media profiles, and developed a content...
How to Start a Podcast to Promote Your Business

How to Start a Podcast to Promote Your Business

Start the new year off by adding another tool to your marketing kit and begin a podcast! By many accounts podcasting is having a moment among mainstream content creators and consumers. Podcasts exist for every industry and interest, from topics on television to health...
Podcasting and Small Business Saturday

Podcasting and Small Business Saturday

Under Construction: The wall is up, creating a recording studio space in our office. Now we need a door and paint! Small Business Saturday Small Business Saturday has never felt so important before. This is our (Margie and Richard’s) first Small Business Saturday as...
Podcasting is part of the puzzle for Omaha Comedian

Podcasting is part of the puzzle for Omaha Comedian

“Find your puzzle piece moment,” says Omaha comedian Jeremy Plumb, who just launched his own podcast called “Running the Light” in partnership with Webberized, LLC. Omaha Comedian Launches Podcast When he began hitting the comedy stages at just 20 years old, Jeremy...
Putting the HA! in Omaha Standup Comedy

Putting the HA! in Omaha Standup Comedy

Music scene. Check. Craft beer scene. Check. Theater, dance and film. Check. Check. Check. Standup comedy? Omaha standup comedy Omaha’s standup comedy scene is happening right under the noses of its residents. With at least three open mics a week and shows booked...
Start Your Podcast Now

Start Your Podcast Now

May 9, 2019 — Grab a friend. Grab your business partner. Grab someone you want to talk to and start your podcast today. Podcasts Grow in Popularity Podcasting is booming in growth as everyone from comedians and celebrities to journalists and talk show hosts,...


Oct. 19, 2013 — Here’s the story of how a regular ol’ Friday got flipped, turned upside down and I’d like to take a minute, just sit right there, I’ll tell you how it became the best day ever. (Please re-read previous sentence with the theme song to the Fresh...